Saturday, October 16, 2021


around and around and around it all spins
this vortex of you that sucks me in 
I think I've managed some damage control 
when yesterday's paper rocks all that I know 

I think that it's gone and buried real deep
then it's at the top of the heap
I start to falter and so does my faith 
I realize I'm slipping and in dire straights 

I write with anger trying to work it all out 
five hundred days of dissension and doubt 
you do not read me; no longer subscribe 
nothing is sacred and none of it jives

I won't speak the words that I want you to say 
I scrawl them in crimson--the same ole cliché 
West rises the sun and bleeds red across my sky 
and sleepless I write in the dead of the night

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