Tuesday, August 8, 2023

thin line

a thin crimson line between hope and faith 
drawn with forgiveness--compassion's good Grace 
spanning many miles--this strong, silver tether 
firmly but gently bonding us together 

a mystery, a drama, a love story incomplete 
crossing t's, dotting i's to keep it all neat 
we write the pages by a candle in the dark 
holding our place with a heart-shaped bookmark 

what do you think will be our final chapter? 
do you think it'll be a happily ever after? 
hopping back and forth across crimson lines 
till I 'm finally yours and you finally mine


Anonymous said...

Well crafted with genius and wit, a ruggedly tender rhyme ... I mean a real good poem with deep musings. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

yeah! what THEY said!