Saturday, August 7, 2021

words unspoken

for all of the feelings I hid away 
words unspoken, I will not say 
what will happen if that dam breaks 
spilling them all over you

all of these words that I held too close 
bubble up till I think I will choke 
I speak to the to the ghosts 
all that remains of you 

every hour of every single day 
I fight the urge to whisper your name 
the levy is cracking, I'm afraid it will break
secure just for the moment in this place 

I fall from you forgetting those words 
that didn't ring true and you never heard 
what else is there? what else could I can do?
but bury them deep inside 

thinking that love would finally play fair 
a tower of ivory to secure them all there 
my passport stamped with nothing to declare 
all of this left behind... 

words you could not find 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder to never hold back on saying I love you! -