Tuesday, August 15, 2023

lessons we don't learn

I told my head a fairy tale 
to keep my heart in tact 
it kept me warm for many nights
reflections when looking back 
the images are hazy 
the faces not as clear 
the music not as sweet now 
as it slowly disappears 

that last time that we shared some wine 
using tiles we spelled it out 
the valley of the sun awaits 
where three is just a crowd 
you run to the mountains 
to let your heart roam free 
I cross the border into Mexico 
to give my soul relief 

the kiss you left is bittersweet
or that's the way it seems
when I close my eyes 
you're no longer in my dreams
you may be getting closer 
but that's not how it appears 
saguaro don't hold answers 
for all of your deepest fears
you can love without me 
I found  I could be brave 
while all those feelings get buried 
but it's a shallow grave 
photos fade to memory
etched inside my heart
there's no going back now
the end to all false starts

the fingers numb that light the fuse 
on lessons we don't learn 
wax drips down the side of hope 
on a candle now twice burned
I realize fire would never fit 
the perfection that you yearned
I have drifted out to sea
now that the tide has turned

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting metaphoric language especially in last stanza...