Tuesday, September 28, 2021

one last time

what I see in your blue eyes 
what I feel inside that's true
nothing left to shelter me
no umbrella to keep me dry 
let's walk the beach this one last time
let's just pretend that it's all fine 
you and I this one last time
just this one last time 

let's feel the sun upon our skin 
smooth tracks we leave in the sand
hand in hand this one last time 
just this one last time 
past the pretense and all of the struggles 
past new hello's and endless goodbyes 
past renewing, reinventing, resurrecting 
inside the door of hopeless love 

let's feel the sun upon our skin
smooth tracks we leave in the sand
hand in hand this one last time 
just this one last time 
it all comes down to nothing 
and the end is very near 
but hand in hand, this one last time 
let's  pretend that it's all fine 
you and I this one last time
just this one last time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent piece my friend!