Monday, July 12, 2021

it's just like this

it's just like this 
it all stays in here 
with just one kiss
it all becomes clear 
like the flower that blossoms 
like the tide that ebbs 
like a small insect captured 
in love's intricate web 

for all that was 
and what's yet to be 
all that's ahead 
that cannot be seen 
my heart's revolution 
as you pump through my soul 
fragmented sections 
now once again whole 

it's just like this 
it all stays in here 
with just one kiss 
it all becomes clear 
like the flower that blossoms 
like the tide that ebbs 
like a small insect captured 
in love's intricate web

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Over and over and over again and again. You just keep on going!