Saturday, June 1, 2024


I may be light, but my footsteps will leave
deep imprints on your soul
you will still know that I was there

that for awhile we walked in the sun
that for a short time we loved
that for a minute, love was perfect
that there will never again be
anything like this

that is how memories are created
that is the dream that was realized
that is the song that we all want to sing
and the dance we wish to do forever


Anonymous said...

Ps. Smile ~ Yesss, something truly and purely beautiful, is such a dance one would wish to taste Forever ~ “Kudos

Anonymous said...

Smile ~ Well,personally, 'Memories'....I hold not tight these; yet my Eyes are Forever forward ~ Yet, tis good to believe I suppose that, one remains amid anothers yesterday.... ~ Nice Poe ~

TAH said...

My simple words will not compliment or do justice to this piece hits home, as I had a love like this also...keep up the good work