Friday, August 27, 2021


so many there before me
like rings inside a tree
each left a different taste behind
on your tongue and memory

how do I climb the ladder
that’s missing too many rungs?
how do I crawl inside the mind
where all the portraits are hung?

some have been deleted
but they left behind a trace
at night when you are sleeping
I can see them in your face

I dream of misconception
until the dawn’s fresh light
the sun shines on refreshment
a chance to get it right

trust lays on the coverlet
but it’s too hot to use
a sheet covers up a body
with one leg moving loose

I throw a log on the fire
lighting a candle so we can see
the shadows flickering slightly
on the wall in front of me

can I erase the legend
that all of them point out?
am I just another flavor
have you any doubts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

outstanding poem! beautiful write I like it a lot!!