Saturday, April 3, 2021

down and out

I found you when you were down and out
your soul with holes and inside doubt
the prayers you said with your rosary
couldn't stop that deep, deep bleed

looking through like I wasn’t there
took what I offered, refusing to share
I stayed beside you—held your hand
helped you try to understand

the closer you got, the further away
holding me close yet still at bay
I warmed your lust, but not your heart
you told me from our very start

the tables turn, I place no blame
on love’s defeating, haughty game
words don’t come in any form
at night when I lay safe and warm

I always knew you wouldn’t miss
any form of a vacant kiss
always reading yesterday’s news
it is just the publisher’s views


Anonymous said...

"Fine poem about a bleak relationship. Moral: losers make for lousy lovers. "

Anonymous said...

This piece reminds me of someone I once knew... nicely done