Monday, September 2, 2019

the wanderer

long before me, there you wandered
two wheels sailing high above
one back marked so she could travel
always with you on your quest

history written by the notches
wooden hearts that felt your touch
nothing more had they to offer
given just the thing you craved

like the ghost of Christmas past
offerings wait still for your touch
hidden deep inside the gift
the end to all you’ve come to know

locked up tightly, secrets stay
waiting for discovery
should you forget, or walk away
all there in will be displayed

in the heat, we felt a spark
July blistered, in the dark
what I felt, the flame you started
burns eternal in my soul

hold me close and kiss my lips
all you need is here for now
trusting only what I feel
knowing more than I can tell

the hawk is perched upon the limb
watching, waiting, seeing all
screeching loudly, off he flies
leaving us in certain doom 
here before me, your mind wanders
thoughts of then, thoughts of now
pensive are the thoughts my own
knowing ghosts still here to roam

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