Sunday, August 8, 2021

not a princess

I am not a princess
no kingdom by the sea
I gave up on fairy tales
or they gave up on me
the shoe was the wrong color
or it just did not fit
there was only one of them
that was the gist of it

my hair was never long enough
to drop from the ivory tower
my apples were not poisoned
to make me sleep for hours
I couldn't feel the pea
nestled under the covers
no, I'm not a princess
my outlook now is dour

not a knight upon a horse
did I see riding by
wishes filled my buckets
hope has all but died
are you out there somewhere?
my one and only that's true
inside are all my longings
as I wait here just for you

once I thought I found him
disingenuous was his game
cracks grew in the brick façade
it turned out just the same
with telescope I sit here
and look in all directions
for my one and only
happily ever after perfection
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was here for you, honest and true. But you callously tossed him aside for reasons only known to yourself.

Sierra Vista