Tuesday, April 13, 2021

please move on

my world didn't shake or even tremor
I guess yours did, as you remember
the heart wants what the heart wants
it didn't work, please move on

after three months, I think I know
what is to be or just won't happen
I gave it a shot for longer than I aught
I'll take the blame, please move on

it may make you happy to see me pained
with nothing lost or nothing gained
it's my life--to do as I wish
you didn't fit, please move on

after several years, you still lurk
saying I'm callous--or even worse
in your mind, I did you wrong
sorry about that, please move on

the hurt inside can eat you alive
find another and get on by
comments hurt, as you intended
I posted, you see, please move on

let me be a fond memory
or maybe a ghost from a bad dream
what you think, what you feel
if I did you harm, please move on
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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