Thursday, February 24, 2022

more java

the dog needs fed and laundry needs done
here I sit, updating my blog
a day off should be just that
I want to be a bump on a log

you're out there trying to hunt and gather
I'm at the ranch my tag won't matter
you understand my strong work ethic
one of many things I love about you

plan my day, with an early morning cup
the moon's still there when I get up
late to bed always early to rise
need more java to fully awake

I feel the surge, caffeine does its thing
the cans at the curb and the dog finally ate
it'll get done maybe today or tomorrow
so what if what's left has to wait

fitbit says I should walk or move
my legs are crossed I'm wiggling my shoe
I know it's cheating but I don't care
I'd get more done if there was less to do

need to shop cause we're out of food
lunch at Sam's seems to fit my mood
a hotdog is good any day or any hour
that's right folks, I am what I am
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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