Friday, December 9, 2022

a fool's game

I listened to all, every word that you shared
you spilled it all while I sat there
nodding my head like I understood
feeling compassion like any friend would

inside a voice screams what about me?
I'm tired of it all and pretending is weak
you tell me your secrets, stockpiled and stacked
not stopping to breath, or checking for facts

you spill it all and it pools on the floor
the spillage is thick, I know I'm done for
I realized early, a fool's game I played
for desperate measures I should've prayed

go ahead and talk, the walls will now listen
and I turn my head as the tears start to glisten
I listened too long and fell far too deep
climbing out won't happen, the walls are too steep
Creative Commons LicensePoetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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