Saturday, September 7, 2024

on track

the stories that you told your head
to keep your heart on track
the bridges that you lit on fire
to keep from going back
a relationship you thought you knew
overlooking deep, deep cracks
drawing the cord much tighter and tighter
to take up all the slack

when I was sure of nothing
or certain of anything else
things were very crazy
I was unsure of myself
I knew it wasn't worth it
those feelings I would shelf
I decided to play those cards
the ones I had been dealt

even while I was running
no place that I could hide
what little you did offer
was at best misguided
the times that you ignored me
all the while I let it slide
when I saw the real you
I put my love aside

the ruins that you left behind
the lyrics without sounds
all the leaves, on Midwest trees
that turned from green to brown
putting away the caricature
of all I thought I found
sending one last message
saying please don't come around
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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