Monday, September 12, 2022

baby, you make me blue

just one little moment, 
nothing out of the way 
a few seconds for a text, 
a call to just say Hey 
something that would have really 
added to my day 
baby, you make me blue 

just one little thought, 
just poetry to me 
just a few words penned, 
a rhyme for me to read 
no hints of anything special
you'd never plant that seed
baby, you make me blue 

I know I ask a lot 
and you won't make that climb 
if I don't expect much
disappointment won't be mine
I always end up begging, 
begging for more of your time 
baby, you make me blue 

it's all sorted in piles 
like laundry that needs done
the hamper overflowing 
waiting for wash day to come 
pretty soon there's nothing, 
nothing clean to don 
baby, you make me blue 
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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