Saturday, September 24, 2022

the state of the union

they contradict the warriors
while criminals get set free
our forefathers toss and turn
at what, at last, will be
Google shows positions
even though you try to hide
and war will once more come
if we just bide our time

population control is working
as they jab them one and all
401's are tanking
the dollar again falls
businesses are closing
citizens do protest
they drive them back with soldiers
but they want to protect

Alexa always listens
and then she'll spill her guts
maybe it is nothing
maybe it means much
just stay under the radar
keep provisions close at hand
while monsters rear their heads
History will take a stand

he said he was uniting
but deep the wedge he drives
confusion thick in daylight
much more viscose at night
do we need to pray for Moses?
to once more free this land
or will the people rise up?
behind each wall they'll man
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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