Sunday, July 28, 2019


Trapped here in a nightmare
On a one way street
Alone, afraid and anxious
Nothing here concrete

No way out of this here maze
All paths lead the same way
Each one worse than the one before
Much to my dismay

Hopeless indecision
Which road do I take
Afraid to proceed forward
Afraid of a mistake

Show me the way onward
The safe and truer course
Guide me through the challenges
The one with no remorse

No answers are forthcoming
Nothing to keep me safe
Relying on my knowledge
To lead me from this place

Following my instincts
The ones that are instilled
To find my true direction
And a better future build

Protect and lead me safely
To God above I pray
Help me find the path I seek
Do not lead me astray

A feeling of security
My sentinel is here
A light in the cold darkness
Salvation now is near

Thanks for the help given
Illumination clear
A guardian to save me
Refuge now is here
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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