Wednesday, July 24, 2024


I can tell you’re coming over  
I’ve seen that look before 
can tell my date has stood me up 
you think you're going to score?
here you are on your approach 
my defenses are ready to go 
come on over, take your best shot 
let’s see what you have to show
“is this seat taken?” you ask
you're already sitting down 
except for mine they're all empty 
you only have to look around 
I shrug my shoulders, move my bag 
to the seat  on the other side 
you’re moving your chair closer
and Romeo, it's now go time 

let’s see what you have got there
what you have up your sleeve
I’m not staying here much longer 
I'm already set to leave
but you're a little bit different 
you start talking about your day 
not being at all flirtatious 
not making me feel like prey 

you tell me some amazing stories
both funny and sincere 
I’m dropping my defenses
and starting to like it here 
I may have been wrong about you 
and where I thought this was leading 
there is no such innuendo 
you just talk to me with feeling 

the night goes on quite smoothly 
you seem genuine and real
it’s a long time since I’ve talked like this 
you’ve got a lot of appeal 
you say “if it’s not too forward, 
I’d like to give you a call” 
“I’ve enjoyed meeting you immensely 
you’ve kept me quite enthralled.” 

so I give you a number 
from the cleaners down the street 
thank you for a lovely evening 
and hasten my retreat

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