Friday, February 9, 2024


My trajectory was perfect 
I was directly in your path 
Still some how you missed me 
What is up with that? 

There is a lot of space out there 
My aim must not be true 
Or you are better at avoiding 
I didn’t see that in you 

Thinking it'd be a dead on hit 
Our worlds would just collide 
With stars and fire crackers 
And all that love provides 

But you put up your force field 
And deflected my advance 
Now I’m spinning off in space 
My solar system crashed 

Spock couldn't have done better 
Scotty can’t beam me up 
My star trek is all over 
I'm not in Kirk's lineup 

It was very clever
A lesson I have learned 
My solar shield is dented 
My ship has crashed and burned 

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