Wednesday, March 2, 2022

point of no return

past the point of no return 
the dotted line gets broken 
fail safe isn't an option 
with my heart laying in the open
the past shrinks in the distance 
it fades in all its glory 
how could I have missed this 
the storyline to this story

I see the ocean crashing 
under now the blood red sky
lightning flashes closely 
thunder rumbling nearby
I seal it with a windblown kiss 
I view all of its destruction 
what echoes in the emptiness 
is a song without conduction 

I climb the ladder without success
a poet at a loss for words 
I bow my head in silence 
and pray without accord 
you had me from the beginning
but I got lost in my part 
nights grow long and lonely 
while my heart sings in the dark

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