Monday, April 18, 2022

somewhere along the way

I lost it somewhere, somewhere along the way 
it's not here right now, but I had it yesterday 
but yesterday's a memory, today is a blank sheet 
that will also be a memory when this day's complete 

where do I find it? where is it that I look? 
is it in a smile? or in an unread book? 
is it in the whispered breeze? caught in a mesquite? 
is it in the shadows--playing hide and seek? 

will it recognize me? 
when I find just what I seek
does it know that I'm searching? 
for what I lost along the way 

I can't feel it now, 
but I had it yesterday


TAH said...

nice write JB..

Anonymous said...

Interesting write. I love the rhythm to it, it flows soo well.