Monday, August 14, 2023


piece by piece it comes apart 
like a tattered cloak that frays 
once a complicated heart 
has found a simpler way 
something that is very real 
a truth that I can touch 
this feeling that I cling to now
and grasp tight in my clutch

it's all I ever wanted  
I was just in the wrong place 
as it is revealed to me 
grace shines its loving face 
depleting once a heavy load 
now that weight has lifted 
this path I chose is the right road 
and I'm no longer drifting 

I once held the winter's son 
tightly in my grip 
I fought hard, ne'er a battle won
that was the gist of it 
it came too slow the letting go
and the soul I once laid bare 
days of snow and bitter cold 
on the trail that I blazed there 

what stayed in a winter wonderland
now blossoms green with spring
the hourglass with shifting sand 
sweet memories that it brings 
I don't regret, I won't forget 
in tissue packed away 
the letting go of all that's left 
as my summer comes to stay


Anonymous said...

this is lovely!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written!