Monday, January 8, 2024

devil's disciple

in the final analysis 
where the sun meets the horizon 
behind the mountains looming 
and saguaro with their wisdom 
the breeze kicks up the dust 
making an eerie funnel
and the roaring in your ears 
sounds like you're in a tunnel 

you didn't keep a list 
with columns for right or wrong 
you didn't weigh the options 
or think about it too long
another devil's disciple 
with a backpack on the ground
grabbing hold of both straps  
you drag it all around 

you didn't apologize 
for the person you became
to those you left behind
all pawns in a bigger game 
with hope in your left hand 
and freedom in your right 
you're rushing towards your future 
on the darkest of all nights 

I gave you all I could
it never counted for much 
words I offered to encourage
that didn't become your crutch 
the hanging judge bangs his gavel 
and sends you out this day 
with a candle for forgiveness
but no match to light your way


Anonymous said...

LOVE the the lines!

Anonymous said...

Loved the last lines. Read it again. Awesome!