Saturday, July 24, 2021

is that too much?

I've quit you before, 
tried to stay away 
something draws me back 
like a fly to web 
I just get stuck 
and I can't stay away
ready for more hurt
ready for the pain

can you give me a hug, 
is that too much? 
can you kiss me long, 
is that pushing it? 
can you look at me 
like I'm all you want? 
hey there baby, 
can you loan me some love? 

I remember way back, 
how it all started out
I thought we were on 
the road to true love
didn't see the warnings, 
couldn't read the signs 
I thought I was yours 
and that you were mine 

somehow it just 
got twisted and bent 
soon there was nothing 
for you to relent 
you turned left 
and I went straight 
what we missed 
is a crying shame 

I've quit you before, 
tried to stay away 
something draws me back 
like a fly to web 
I just get stuck 
and I can't stay away
ready for more hurt
ready for the pain

can you give me a hug, 
is that too much? 
can you kiss me long, 
is that pushing it? 
can you look at me like 
I'm all you want? 
hey there baby, 
can you loan me some love? 


Anonymous said...

know that feeling..I liked this.

Anonymous said...

Really Like This Poem; I Can Relate to this alot