Thursday, January 23, 2020

the end of it all

it's the end of summer, another promise gone
the days are much shorter with winter coming on
while I thought that I could wait
for your return or twist of fate
I see that fading fast
wafting in the breezes that pass
as the sun sinks low on our horizon

I see you on the busy street but you can't meet my eyes
the new one hanging on your arm was really no surprise
all the things I ever said--you know they were all true
love doesn't score a victory if only one is blue
waiting for the rain to stop while you block out my sun
I know that it was over long before it was begun
the moon is rising high on a canvas made of stars

the western wind is scattering seeds of all that used to be
wild birds are feasting on the soul of what won't keep
the tide's eternal tune plays on under a gravitational moon
waves sweep on the endless beach where I last walked with you
footsteps taunt while memories haunt and dreams all fade to black
a realization when I awake that you're not coming back
dust on tiles reveal the truth and the end of it all
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep on rhyming:-)