Wednesday, January 22, 2020


the mountain stands, a testament
and it has seen it all
they've seen me climbing
way up high
and they have seen me fall
once again I try it
getting further than before
and way up in the cloudy sky
the coopers hawk does soar

she lands upon a craigy perch
viewing all below
she is searching for something
just what I do not know
the saguaro looks the other way
as once again I flail
I have wandered way far off
of this that was a trail

finally I am on top
and look about in wonder
of all the things that did prevail
and try to put me under
carefully, retrace my steps
as I start the trek down
my steps a little surer
as I know I am well grounded

I can't believe I did it
finally, I am free
it really took some doing
putting you away from me
did I pass or did I fail
we'll just have to see
right now I know
I did the best;
and that friend is the key
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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