Wednesday, March 10, 2021


our first long neck,  boots tapping in time
to the steel guitar and music that's prime
gonna dance all night, tomorrow's a day of rest
even if it wasn't we'd watch the dawn crest

when we're two-steppin nothing gets in the way
worked hard this morning so tonight we can play
hanging with friends at this country western dive
you paid for the first-- the only one you'll buy

this wood floor is dusty and some guys are playing pool
a fight will break out cause they don't use rules
baby, when we're dancing nobody else is in this room
we've started the evening and it's over much too soon

Buddy buys a round and takes Susie out to dance
he asked me for one but you told him "not a chance"
with your arm around me we're headin to the floor
the sun will be high when we leave that's for sure

when we're two-steppin nothing gets in the way
worked hard this morning so tonight we can play
hanging with friends at this country western dive
you paid for the first-- the only one you'll buy

the only one you'll buy
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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