Tuesday, February 11, 2020


I could see what lay hidden
and had never seen the light
reaching into your darkness
I tried to make it right
making up for little things
you had missed upon your way
but it still lays there buried
won't see the light of day

you say that you weren't ready
but our time might still come
so we played with fire
'til one of us succumbed
loving you wasn't easy
and I took all the risk
giving not your heart
but only just your kiss

a tear will not fall
for those yesterday's
for what was never nourished
but instead, got put away
the shadow stretches longer
on the times I spent with you
silence falls here heavy
on all that you subdued

like a mask it covers
all but only passion
in despair comes heartbreak
that is always in fashion
you can hide the truth
asking nothing of me
the shroud will never slip
when you set me free
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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