Saturday, May 14, 2022

Heaven's gate

the ruins that I live in 
created by the pain 
where darkness never falters 
no candle illuminate 
where conviction hides in corners 
truth finally penetrates 
my dreams have now been shredded 
outside of Heaven's gate

Friday, May 13, 2022


I love the sounds of the trains at night
semi trucks that are our of sight
the gears shifting on a 5 speed car
soft voices lilting under the stars

your soft breathing next to me
when I'm awake, and just can't sleep
the dog snoring next to the bed
and reading books, already read

I love the sounds outside our door
coyotes bay and owls hoot more
gentle creatures roaming the woods
seeking shelter for their own good

good night moon and good night stars
good night loved ones wherever you are
have sweet dreams once you lay down
rocked to sleep by sounds from town
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

another year older

closer to another year older 
wiser?? not so much!
I'm living on fast forward 
and over extended luck 
time is slipping away 
all those things I wanted to do 
my bucket list gets longer 
my sentence not commuted 
I need to revise a long, long list 
is there time to beat the clock? 
before my life is over 
and on pearly gates I knock


dividing, between north and south
by a belt of studded leather 
is drawn an imaginary Tangent line 
called the Mason-Dixon

close your eyes and wander 
you won't need GPS 
let your lips and hands roam free 
and discover many delights 

follicles smell of magnolias 
just like the Mississippi trees 
see the pleasure in my eyes 
green as Carolina seas 

savor all of my kisses, 
dripping Virginia maple sugar 
slide your hand down these long limbs 
as soft as Arkansas cotton 

juices flow here sweetly
that taste of Georgia Peach 
come and explore these treasures 
waiting, but within your reach

honey do

my "honey-do" list is growing
a lot to be done I know
some trim needs to painted
the weeds are out of control
my palm tree needs a trimming
the pool is giving me fits
this paper isn't long enough
and I don't have a honey to do it

the garage light is not working
I think it has burned out
the bathroom toilet is running
my shower could use some grout
what is a lonely girl to do
with all of these needs adrift
I guess I'll have to hire someone
cause I don't have a honey to do it
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Thursday, May 12, 2022


the matriarch, 
now tired and weak 
hugs me tightly 
as I turn to leave 
the bond that secured,
gone many nights 
six years hidden 
from both of our sights 
still, I remain, 
from love and respect 
the child has grown, 
that one you first met 
the common denominator 
from those past years 
still holds fast,
and will keep me near

back to the start

I was always guessing at numbers 
this puzzle I pick apart
it is all a question of science 
that I sing from deep in my heart 
tell me if you love me 
take it back to our very start 
as it all spins around in circles
bringing us back where we are 
I didn't say it would be easy 
it isn't with crimes of the heart 
there are no set rules to follow 
I didn't think it would be this hard 
as it all spins around in circles 
bringing us where we now are 
has it all faded into darkness
is it too late for a new start?

girl scout

a Persian princess,
a nurse and me 
memories buried in history 
in Southwest skies 
we float like clouds 
and we get beat up 
by a girl scout

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


eyes are the window to the soul 
and yours you tried to veil 
I could see down deep inside you 
where deeply your ghosts dwell 
but the threat didn't make me run 

you wanted to be something 
and you feigned it pretty well 
you thought that you were someone 
that hid the secrets quelled 
you are the only one who is fooled 

I didn't fall for partial truth 
or obscurity in your song 
although I danced to your music 
the demons still along
shadows you blame reside

it's like a 12-step program
it's there when you are ready 
prayers and candles won't complete
naively your not steady 
for love to show its heart

I'm not saying it doesn't hurt 
you weren't part of my game
you were honest in your verity 
though it doesn't ease this pain 
it wasn't easy loving you

a good imitation of the blues

it is not just a good imitation 
not like Jackson says at all 
I think it's the real thing 
when dreams of you recoil 
no, this isn't a good imitation 
these blues in every hue 
even when it's not raining 
I am blue here without you

a sweet dream

finally, a sweet dream comes 
of sandy beaches and warm sun 
of moonlight walks, hand in hand 
two sets of footprints
in the sand 
I wake refreshed, 
yawn, and stretch
 this time a dream, 
I don't forget

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


at 5,000 feet I felt real sad 
at 15,000 I had regrets 
at 30,000 I was sorry 
that we had ever met

pick and choose

as my future turns around 
you bury all you lose 
your winter sky will come again 
moon shining on empty rooms 
these pieces of my heart I loaned
are truth as you flashback
you may try to shake them loose
to just cut you some slack

I realize I lost myself 
the day that I found you 
when you played your shell game 
with the option to pick and choose 
honesty that you once portrayed 
said "you weren't my kind of guy" 
too bad I didn't read that then
might've kept me warm some nights

act of will

a bridge to burn 
an act of will 
a future turns 
a soul to fill 
a scrap of truth
a piece of me 
a heart gets fooled 
as you step free 
only one looses
is what I see
you're losses cut
when I broke free 


like a cancer spreads 
across the wires, distance grows 
placid like your heart

Monday, May 9, 2022

light of day

without clouds above my head 
everything else packed neatly away 
there is a lot of nothing to be done
as I bask in this warm, warm sun 

ln this whiter shade of pale 
as the darkness slips then fades 
the loudest words it seems I read
are the ones that do not ever get said 

you can scream from mountains high
or whisper them in dead of night 
when you're laying all alone 
wondering if the truth was told


once I met a shadow 
who wasn't really there 
I listened to the whispers 
that lilted on the breeze 
I fell in love with a love song 
a tune to which I danced 
once I met a shadow
that vanished in thin air

six feet deep and rising

over six feet deep and rising
this water doesn't flow 
as the rain continues falling 
I'm caught in the undertow 
I am in way over my head now
the pump works way too slow 
no place for it to drain to
no place for it to go 
over six feet deep and rising 
this water doesn't flow 
once more I slip down 
extinguishing the afterglow

Saturday, May 7, 2022


are there words that could ever be said? 
words that could actually mean enough? 
when light drains quickly into night
was it that I it wasn't enough? 

do you think it could have worked? 
missing lyrics to a perfect song 
blinded by pain but not by truth 
do you think it could have worked?

will the chance ever come around? 
trains that pass on parallel tracks 
viewing it through a small square window 
will that chance ever come around? 

do you think back about that time? 
remembering what we were once like 
the early stages of a long running game 
do you ever think back about that time? 

carte blanche

when I love, it's generously 
carte blanche the given liberties 
always tendering, not always receiving 
someday, I pray, it returns to me 

my love is like a credit card 
the sky's the limit for every charge 
this way I love...I pray someday 
it'll be returned the same way

Friday, May 6, 2022

dew in the morning sun

exposed skin...chilled from the night air 
or is it the touch of your warm hands 
slightly stroking, tenderly provoking 
either way--bumps raise on ivory skin 
soft sighs...escape through moistened lips 
beads glisten like dew in the morning sun 
sheets twists as love tumbles 
in the paleness of the moon's light 
music our minds 
as rhythmically we move 
a dance we have danced before 
but each time like the first

once the dance is done

I'm not sorry baby 
don't you ever think that 
there isn't anything I would change
nothing I would take back 
when my dreams come 
they are still of sand and sea 
the footsteps we left 
on a smooth, moonlit beach 
don’t you worry 'bout me baby 
I'll get by somehow 
but the music isn't the same 
once the dance is done 
the clouds moved by the breeze 
the sun still shines 
the moon rises high 
I still think of you 
and tiles from a game 
sometimes wondering 
if you ever think of me
don’t you worry 'bout me baby 
I'll get by somehow 
but the music isn't the same 
once the dance is done

shallow water

if we cross in shallow water 
waist deep in murkiness 
if we can deny the demons 
and smother the pain 
we can make it to the other side
if we can keep our sights 
on the trail ahead 
leave the past behind,
keep the wind at our back 
lay some stones for the future 
ahead, the river gets too wide 
the bridge we build is right here 
if we wait, 
we may not reach the other side 
fears haunting the night
disappear with dawn 
the winds of change blow 
lightning and thunder 
clear the way for cleansing 
with the rain that falls 
take my hand 
let me hold yours
shall we cross together? 
shall we build a bridge for all time? 
shall we look ahead together?
help me lay the foundation 
take my hand

Thursday, May 5, 2022


I'm overdue for excitement 
need to get out of Dodge 
and have a little fun I think 
a vacation in a nice lodge
a little lovin wouldn't hurt anything 
nine to five is making me frown 
I keep taking what they're given 
and they keep weighing me down 
I need a trip to clear me head
to sleep late would be nice
yeah, bring on some excitement
I don't care what the price

where you look

it's never where you search for it 
you find it when not looking
it kind of takes you by surprise 
before you know it you're hooked

there isn't any warnings 
you can't hide from the storm 
looking for that certain place 
that keeps you dry and warm 

to fall asleep in a lover's arms 
is that wondrous feeling close? 
is what I'm seeking far or near? 
will I find what's looked for most?

how much longer do I persevere? 
it's just not where I'm looking
I long to be taken by surprise 
I too just want to be hooked