Tuesday, September 8, 2020


blowing like a tumbleweed
across the desert sand
looking for some roots
a safe place for you to land
drifting with the mountain breeze
across valleys and lost highways
searching for the answers
in every desert sage

talking to saguaro
are the answers there?
looking to the stars and moon
to guide you with their prayers
searching always searching
for the things that will bring peace
even though you found it once
it didn't meet all of your needs

ramble onward bramble
seek and ye shall find
looking deeply in your quest
and at what you leave behind
good things are in your future
looking for what is blind
ramble onward bramble
seek and ye shall find
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said...

Absolutely superb! I love the reality and concept of Tumble weed! Room to move !!

TAH said...

Well done JB. TAH

Anonymous said...

I loved this :)

Anonymous said...

Loved the flow of your words. Another favorite!