Wednesday, August 31, 2022

another day

I reach for you but you're not there
grabbing at straws; clutching thin air
perhaps I imagined, thought you were real
another dream that is congealed

the dawn is bleak, the raindrops fall
another storm as I recall
making it through the long hard day
dreamless nights, I'm held at bay

what was it like, before the gloom?
with beautiful flowers in full bloom
another day, a long lost time
when I was your and you were mine
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, August 29, 2022

only a fool

only a fool plays by the rules
it's said beggars can't be choosers
only a gambler has nothing to lose
only a rock's too hard to bruise

more than two can play the game
how many in the end remain?
it somehow doesn't come out the same
when each and all start laying blame

when we take off the velvet gloves
inspecting and examining this thing called love
seeing what it's not or is made of
praying this time it's enough
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


I go to the range
and load my glock
the day I had
still in shock
I load up the clip
with hollow points
gonna use them all
before I leave this joint
there's nothing better
than shooting at the range

it feels so good
in the palm of my hand
squeezing off a round
this feels grand
the hit dead center
right through the heart
I never miss
this, my true art
there's nothing better
than shooting at the range

pretend I'm Fiona
the Burn Notice gal
I think you could be
my sidekick, pal
do you think you can handle
a chick with a gun?
you can load my clip
while I'm having fun
there's nothing better
than shooting at the range

maybe if you're good
I'll give you a bout
to relieve your stress and
get rid of those doubts
no doubt about
the way it feels
see the target
get the chills
there's nothing better
than shooting with you

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Friday, August 26, 2022


You got lucky mister 
Lucky when we met
Lucky in my perceptions 
Lucky in my depths 
Like a fortune in a cookie
Like a gambler at the table 
It’s all on the line 
And destiny’s unstable 

Peeling back the layers 
Getting to the heart 
Uncovering the mysteries 
Of all that’s deep and dark 
A meeting that was chance 
Odds a thousand to one 
You still came out on top 
Obscurity undone 

I Put you on the path 
And turned it all around 
Gave you a new insight 
Put your feet back on the ground 
When all is said and done 
I gave it all to you 
And what you take away 
Is more than what you knew 

Yah, you got lucky 

litmus test

a true litmus test 
turning me deep crimson red 
a beautiful shade

Thursday, August 25, 2022

carry on

we carry on
when it all comes down
there's more thunder than rain
our dreams lay in shards
we carry on

we carry on
through the reality of it all
more fable than fairytale
more investment than return
when it all starts to shatter
we carry on

we carry on
because the sun will still shine
a silver lining to be seen
after the storm's rage
tomorrow will come
and it will be a better day
we carry on


every dream, every chance
you burned them all
with just one match
brushing against
memories once sweet
incinerated ash
laying at your feet
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


you make me laugh
you make me sing
you promise the world
and all good things
seven months
a milestone for me
it keeps getting better
now that I is we
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Slow Down Haiku

You need to slow down 
Pull back, kick back, don't look back 
it's time to relax!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


maybe I should have fought harder 
maybe I should have been smarter
maybe it should never have started 
maybe we should stay apart 
maybe, maybe, maybe 

maybe we should not have met 
maybe I shouldn't have left 
maybe I will have regrets
maybe I will never forget 
maybe, maybe, maybe
Creative Commons License

ride on

ride on 
ride on 
moving out of here 

dream on 
dream on 
all the dreams are gone 

stay strong 
stay strong 
getting through some how
moving on, 
moving on
using all my strength
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feelings hung to dry 
like laundry on the line 
emotion and despair 
stains are retained there 

sometimes the spots that remain 
freckled, flecks of pain 
splattered all across 
don't come out in the wash

Monday, August 22, 2022

left behind

how do I know 
what to leave behind 
what I'll no longer need 
in this future of mine 
what if what was left 
was what I needed  
and it can't be retrieved 
because the history's deleted


passion comes
cherry sweet
juicy kisses
the taste and smell
of ambrosia
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

forget the math

I want to make it easier 
stop over analyzing, 
more compromising 
one and one doesn't always equal two 
gonna stop putting up walls 
let it out of the box 
erase the lines that I drew 
I want to take it easier 
take it as it comes
push the envelope some

Friday, August 19, 2022


your storm ravages my heart
the lightening flashes from your eyes 
the thunder of your voice 
the hurricane force winds 
of the words you hurl, 
cutting and deep 
intended to inflict and destruct 
the storm rages through the night 
no protection, no shelter 
and in the morning, all is calm
the storm has passed, 
but not without devastating my spirit

Thursday, August 18, 2022

drops on the tile

sometimes, good things pass 
spilling like wine from a glass 
hurrying to contain it too fast 
missing the drops on the tile 

although, I take it slow 
looking for secrets I don't know 
the extinguishing inner glow 
disguised in crescent moonlight 

reflecting on what I see 
and all you once meant to me
doubt now plants its seed 
a vision of hidden perception


as I look for love that feels just right 
not too loose and not to tight 
someone to hold me late at night
till the dark sky bleeds red light 
looking for a love that I haven't found yet 
filled with passion, no regrets 
a heart in which my dreams can rest 
as we ride off into the sunset

happily ever after

shall I start yet once again? 
look for it, seek it, search hard 
will it come to me? 
a spring breeze 
blowing down from green mountains
or arriving on wings of doves 
will it ride in a cowboy hero? 
from an old black and white 
swinging me up behind on his horse 
as I wrap my hopes and dreams 
around an image of what it should all mean 
hanging on for dear life 
as we gallop off into the sunset 
and live happily every after 
or not

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


every heart has a blindside
part of all devotion 
overlooking the obvious 
omnifarious emotion
the counterfeit good faith 
that travels across miles 
it's not the first mistake 
but it's part of the file 
when illusion of choice 
goes out a revolving door 
and all the words I hear 
have been said before 
forgiveness becomes weakness 
when it comes down to this 
the blindside sees truth
hidden in the Judas kiss 


my body a temple 
where my heart resides 
you hunger for one 
starving the other side 
sustenance I offer 
feeding body, heart and mind 
you consume till you're full
and the rest is declined

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


a reason to believe 
a victory I won’t taste
tension in the feelings 
a love that’s gone to waste 
I feel it in my soul 
the words escape my lips 
a bloody, useless battle
my mind can’t seem to grip 
the air escapes the room 
and I can’t seem to breathe 
a scar that just won’t heal 
a wound that always seeps 
a heart that is still screaming
it beats it’s disbelief
never, ever thinking 
that you would really leave 
no pleasure in the moments 
that I once spent with you 
the fire that burned inside me 
defeated with your coup

toi et moi

a story that needs written 
a sonnet of all that I feel 
a poem that's not yet titled
an ode not yet revealed 
my unpublished heart 
un histoire d'amour 
you and me


your thoughts on my thoughts 
your fingers caressing keys 
as you kiss my mind

Monday, August 15, 2022

Walking Home

You walked me home 
After that bad storm 
Making sure I got there 
Safe from all harm 
Surrounded by darkness 
No light for my way 
No stars in the sky 
The moon tucked away 
holding my hand tightly
Though you were not there 
Talking me onward 
Your voice in my ear 
Alone that late evening 
But your presence was there 
A light in the shadows 
Removing despair 
You walked me home 
The moon tucked away 
Your voice in my ear 
With me the whole way


shrines to those they lost 
dotting the southwest highways 
there are so many

terra incognita haiku

fear of the unknown 
a terra incognita 
where we will still go

Friday, August 12, 2022

enough is enough

I could write a book
of things I've seen
instant gratification
is what I need
so I write a poem
for you to read
short and simple
and quicker it seems

these times of turmoil
and tainted views
only certain channels
report real news
the rest paint words
the truth may cause
a dark, deep bruise
our intellect
may get confused

I'll take true statements
time after time
sharing the word
of all new crimes
the muck and the mire
the slinging of grime
it's still growing
it's not even half-time

turning it off
when it's too much
cynicism weaves
its painful touch
leaves us limping
without a crutch
come on world
enough is enough
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

feels like love

it's been a long time
since I felt this way
thought it was used up
disappeared with yesterday
just when I thought
it would never be
it was just around the corner
and it feels like love to me

you call me up
in the middle of the night
to see how I am doing
if everything's alright
just when I thought
I was finally home free
I turn 'round the corner
and it feels like love to me

you hold my hand
look into my heart
I feel the electricity
I feel a million sparks
just when I thought
it was something I can't see
it was just around the corner
and it feels like love to me
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

without a sound

you live inside my memory
ricocheting without a sound
the fortress that I built for you 
is crumbling to the ground

I put you on a pedestal
using fiction rather than fact
fables that I told my heart
to keep it all intact

you're the single leaf remaining
on a barren olive tree
withstanding inclement weather
hanging on inside of me

wind will pull you from that branch
eventually, you'll be set free
drifting away with what remains
memories will finally cease
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

summer day

all I want to do
is lay down in tall grass
on a warm summer day
watching clouds pass

all I want to do
is skip stones on the lake
feel the breeze blow
see the ripples it makes

all I want to do
is hold hands while we walk
along the river bank
leaving footprints as we talk

all I want to do
is just let it all be
on this lazy summer day
while you're here with me
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Driving Haiku

Driving on I-10  
mind racing at 100 mph
Hope I don't get stopped

Sand Dollars

Seashells washed up on the beach 
With the morning tide
Lots of little tide pools 
Swimming with sea life
Searching for sand dollars
None here to be found 
Walking, looking, finding none 
Not this time around 
Finally, one in seaweed 
A perfect little shell 
Stooping to retrieve it 
Before the ocean swells 
Very, very brittle
It breaks right in my hand 
Keep on searching, seeking more 
None on this smooth sand!


Lay down and I’ll watch over you 
Protect and keep you safe 
This can be your haven 
Your shelter, your escape 
My arms will wrap around you 
And hold you when you need 
This love I have to offer 
Let me put your life at ease 
Close your eyes, rest your mind 
While you are in my care 
I will shield and deflect all pain 
Waylay all your fears 
While I sooth your weary brow 
Relax and just let go
Protecting, holding, loving 
Forgetting all life’s woes

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Collateral Damage

Fool that I was 
I I fell for your charms 
Putting myself 
In the way of harm 
The words you used 
Disguised the facts 
I see it clearly 
When I look back 
Eagerly I followed 
And let you in 
Dropping the walls 
I’d built within 
My heart unprotected 
You attack my defenses 
Turning my head 
Sending me spinning 
Collateral damage 
From when you were here 
What love that you gave 
Completely disappeared


the winner's place in glory 
standing on the dais 
receiving your olive wreath 
you participate in the game 
repeating your mantra 
mentally pushing yourself on 
your opponents are skilled 
hitting their stride
long before you 
practiced excellence 
but you persevere 
blinders to the competitor 
in your own zone 
and in the end 
there can only be one winner
one true champion
but you are only the loser
if you throw your hands up, 
quit and walk away

Monday, August 8, 2022


if I love 
if I feel
if I trust 
if this is real 
if what you say 
if what you need 
if what I want 
if I proceed 
if my heart spills 
if it’s in your grasp
if I look forward 
if I don’t look back 
if the stress factures 
if it all cracks 
if I piece it together 
if I stay on track 
if it is His will 
if it’s supposed to be 
if it does happen 
if it’s you and me 

last night you were here

and you held me close 
singing a song just for me 
you come in my dreams

Sunday, August 7, 2022

unworn love

my love unworn 
you try it on
looking at yourself in the mirror 
turning around to see how it fits 
not liking the look 
you take it off 
toss it on the floor 
and continue shopping 
for a different size

no response, no reply

it was loud and clear
I guess that was your answer 
no thank you works too

I dreamed you were here

I dreamed you were here 
we sat on my terrace 
sipping wine under the stars 
the full moon bathing us in lunar light

I dreamed you were here 
singing me a love song 
as we danced, locked together, 
barely moving to the song you sang 

I dreamed you were here 
holding me close under Egyptian sheets 
your whispered words 
surrounding me with love 

morning dawns, the dream fades
as I stretch and turn 
reaching out for you 
finding you weren't there

book II

I reread this page 
my favorite in this book 
a book about us

Saturday, August 6, 2022


you light the filtered end
of your last cigarette
you were going to kick the habit
but you're not ready yet
dressing for a quick run
to the convenience store
and you're lighting up another
as you walk through the door

home alone with coffee
trying to plan your day
but too many thoughts are rushing
and on and on  they play 
like an old scratched vinyl record
that skips and gets hung up
you pour yourself more coffee
in your chipped and cracked old cup

you toss the cup in the garbage
and buy a set of eight
happy with the decision
now the coffee should taste great
you wash them very carefully
put them in the drying rack
you clink two of them together
and both of them get cracked
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


beneath a white and tattered flag 
rests and uneasy truce 
unfurling over wounded hearts 
and truth that was seduced
one more walking wounded 
one more tourniquet
the battlefield left bloody 
and it's not settled yet 

riddled with holes, it waves in the breeze
over all of this muck and mire
silent the heavy artillery
that rests for several hours
will we ever find armistice?
the peace on either side?
which one will surrender?
and cover their wounded pride 

do we live to fight another day? 
duck and cover from the truth?
how did this get started?
was it with me or you?
the silence of the cease-fire 
that spans on either end 
as we reload our ammo 
I'll break but will not bend 


the mirror reflects every wrinkle 
every blemish and all fine lines 
looking closer in the  brilliant light 
I still see the pieces whole 
though I try to cover it completely
cosmetics just don't do the trick
truth stares back at the end of the day 
when the powder is washed away 

with the breaking of each crimson dawn 
weakness filters in with the sun
after  sweet real they seemed 
cotton candied fantasies -- 
before they overcome me 
before I trip on what's not there
I reckon with the reflection 
and how I got from there to here


poetry still flows 
music that you left still plays 
each verse about me

happy endings

I believe in happy endings 
and in each new beginning 
I believe that when life is darkest
it's always before the dawn 
I believe the glass is half-full 
just waiting to be topped off 
I believe that what gets broken 
can sometimes be repaired 
I believe if you look deep enough
there is good in everyone 
I believe that the bitterest lemons 
make the sweetest lemonade 
I believe if you want something  
that you can make it happen 
I believe it's a radiant light that shines 
at the end of the dark tunnel 
I believe in silver linings
in every single cloud
I believe that there's a lesson
in every test you face 

Friday, August 5, 2022

hollow point haiku

a hollow point, 
it sounds so impersonal, 
in the mag where  lodged

Sixth sense

I’m reading you like
the current best seller 
Nothing you can hide 
Your eyes always tell 
I can read your actions 
and I can read your mind 
Filling in the gaps 
From the things that you hide 
I can read the hesitation 
Just tell me if I’m wrong 
Usually dead on accurate 
This curse is quite strong 
So just be straight forward 
Always better than a lie 
My mind’s eye sees through 
everything implied 
The truth is your ally 
Be concise and be real 
Don’t hedge or taint facts 
Don’t try to conceal 
You know I will know
If  the words are not true 
Because I have a sixth sense 
When it comes down to you

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Heaven's Closed Door

Like a shattered glass 
Edges jagged and sharp 
Cutting into my soul 
With fragmented shards 
Sinking in silence 
Spiraling into an abyss 
Shadows surrounding
Free falling in blackness 
This engulfing nightmare 
Only I’m wide awake 
Tortured and confused 
Which I just can't shake 
I know what is waiting 
I’ve been here before 
No chance of salvation
From heaven’s closed door 
The rage of angel’s 
Their fury unleashed 
The wrath of deities 
Raining down on me

A Disingenuous Act

You looked through me 
Like I wasn’t even there 
You were saying words 
That I couldn’t hear 
I thought I knew you better 
I guess it wasn’t so 
The only things I saw 
Were what you put on show 
 A veil of deception 
A cloak of desperation 
A mask of dishonesty 
A shroud of aberration 
A disingenuous act 
That took me by surprise 
A nefarious performance 
That was well disguised 
You looked through me 
To see the other side 
Like I wasn’t even there
A memory brushed aside

Roller Coaster

Like an old roller coaster 
With wooden slated tracks
The cars all freshly painted 
The kind we saw way back 

The feeling in the pit of your stomach 
As you slowly start the ride 
Ready with eyes wide open 
With your fears laid to the side 

Starting up the first steep slope 
The excitement starts to build 
Ready for what is coming
Ready for all the thrills 

 And as the ride continues 
Seems like it will never end 
The clicking and the clacking
Going faster around each bend 

You finally ascend the last peak 
The cars all picking up speed 
Descending downward quickly 
Around the corner with eyes squeezed 

Are these not the same feelings? 
You have when you’re in love 
The ups and downs of relationships
Euphoria, highs and lows