Tuesday, January 16, 2024

all along

in the light of this new day
where dreams of yesterday
fade softly away
past is the doubt
the hapless thoughts
sealed with tape
the oblong  box

hidden deep are the old scars
packed inside a chambered heart
no room for all of those old things
never were they what they seemed
learning from the same mistakes
waiting longer
growing stronger
bandaged by your love

why would I ever want to look back?
when I was not on the right track
with one headlight I drove away
Jakob’s words in my mind played
over and over I played your song
and still I knew it all along

Pandora's Box

you opened your eyes 
but closed your mind 
oblivious to dreams
I kept inside 
you saw the package 
but not the treasure 
all of those late nights 
we were together 

you spent the passion 
but saved your heart 
keeping those two things 
far, far apart 
nothing ever ventured,
 nothing ever gained 
so good at keeping
it all self-contained 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box 
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 

I thought I had it 
under control 
I could play the game 
and you'd never know 
you were much smarter 
than I had first thought 
you saw the ruse 
right from the start 

gently, you tried 
to let me down 
distancing me 
with silent sounds 
what you couldn't see--
failed to understand
 I knew your game 
but couldn't outrun your plan 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 

I could see your future 
but not play a part 
you weren't really honest;
that wasn't our start
I knew there was another, 
but not the connection 
you had already promised 
your love and affection 

so as we go forward 
with an uneasy truce 
bury what's dead 
between me and you
no tourniquet will stop 
my bleed you'll agree
you didn't promise 
to be what I need

you asked me once
if the wound was still deep 
you can figure that out 
in this song if you read 
what starts with white lies, 
ends sadly with truth
it ebbs and then flows 
with each phase of the moon 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box 
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 


I didn't ask for a pedestal
that's too far to fall
I didn't ask to move mountains
or for anything at all
from the day that you were born
right up to this new hour
I've always done my best
so, you'd know you were loved

I know that I'm not perfect
though you wanted me to be
I know I've made mistakes
and that's all you can see
what a parent does for a child
those things I did for you
I did them from my heart
you know that this is true

I know I didn't deserve
all the hurtful things you said
maybe look inside
at the good things there instead
the special bond we have
the umbilical never cut
it will never wear out
or could ever be used up

I didn't ask for a pedestal
that's too far to fall
I didn't ask to move mountains
or for anything at all
from the day that you were born
right up to this new hour
I've never put conditions
on any part of my love
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Thursday, January 11, 2024


the moon moves through its phases
nonchalant and slow 
each one pulls upon me 
like the tide washing on my shore 
when I think the cleanse has come
from the salty brine 
the crescent comes 
and shines its face 
with the memories that remind

laying on the sandy beach 
starring at the stars 
wondering how I landed here 
my heart on a sandbar
the bottle that I corked and threw 
into this vast green sea 
drifts out for just a little while 
then always returns to me

walk away

I walk away from yesterday
turn my back on all that's gray
the guitar that strums increasing pain
standing in the pouring rain
what seems priceless has a cost
what I have gained, what I have lost

against the tide I'm about to go under
the current strong I fight lost wonder
dolphins swimming all around
consuming tides don't save me now
I float but I just can't swim free
from all the pain encompassing me

I felt the breeze and heard the thunder
the lightning flash so close I shudder
everything that I once held true
all begins and ends with you
like sand drips through the hour glass
what will stay strong and what won't last

the moon drifts quickly through all of its phases
shining on all of the unseen places
resurrecting dreams that grew
unforeseen from what I knew
sandcastles hidden in the fog
reminiscent of what went wrong
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, January 8, 2024

devil's disciple

in the final analysis 
where the sun meets the horizon 
behind the mountains looming 
and saguaro with their wisdom 
the breeze kicks up the dust 
making an eerie funnel
and the roaring in your ears 
sounds like you're in a tunnel 

you didn't keep a list 
with columns for right or wrong 
you didn't weigh the options 
or think about it too long
another devil's disciple 
with a backpack on the ground
grabbing hold of both straps  
you drag it all around 

you didn't apologize 
for the person you became
to those you left behind
all pawns in a bigger game 
with hope in your left hand 
and freedom in your right 
you're rushing towards your future 
on the darkest of all nights 

I gave you all I could
it never counted for much 
words I offered to encourage
that didn't become your crutch 
the hanging judge bangs his gavel 
and sends you out this day 
with a candle for forgiveness
but no match to light your way

original sin

we danced for just a while 
you bared all in your soul 
telling me the plans you made 
before you had to go
little of me did you learn 
as all of your dreams spilled forth 
I tried hard to hold on 
but the road had many forks 

secrets of a mysterious life 
you kept them to yourself 
guarding the little white lies 
boxed high upon the shelf 
mornings after many nights
I woke to find you gone 
I knew your distant devil 
was draggin' you along 

you pack in the original sin 
with your list for all you yearn 
hold me tight just one last time
on my forehead your lips burn
you swore you were heading for happiness
and for wanting you had no shame 
I loved you when you left me 
and I will never be the same