Friday, December 3, 2021


the mountain breeze softly wafts
like the breath of a lover
blowing my hair
kissing my face
I close my eyes
and remember dreams
as fantasy returns
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Someone I'm Not

There’s a lot of places 
To be someone I’m not 
A façade that I am holding 
Hoping I never get caught 
Acting always acting
like I have got it straight
If they knew what’s underneath
It wouldn't be that great

Strong, is all they'll ever see
No one gets beneath
Keeping up appearances 
A mirror of what they see
Keeping up this misthrow 
Keeping up the inner hell
How long can I do this?
Only time will tell 

If only I can fool them all 
Yeah, that’s the what I think 
But I am only fooling myself 
Bordering on the brink 
It’s me that’s got the answers 
To the questions that they ask 
Pretending I am something 
While hiding behind this mask 

But I will keep on holding fast 
To this pretentious veneer
Till all in side me crumbles
And implodes all hiding here
The racket will be heard for miles
As all inside me rots
Never letting them see at all
I’m something that I'm not

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


didn't need a shovel 
my heart was buried deep 
no light showed through the darkness 
or the walls that were so steep 
didn't see it coming
my head was in the clouds 
safe from all disasters 
the signs apparent now 
didn't feel the earth drop 
as my world started in this spin 
forgot to leave a safety net 
or something in which to depend 
didn't recognize the symptoms 
though I'd seem them once before 
should of heard my mind click 
when you left and closed the door 
didn't get any closure 
didn't want to stop my mind 
the goodbye kiss you gave me
was for the very last time


a different place 
in a different time 
when we were together 
when you were mine 
we could have made it 
we might have been fine 
it was the outside influences 
that started the decline
too many headaches 
for one lifetime
a steep, rocky mountain 
which you can not climb 
we started the drift 
lost our mooring line 
no way back 
no longer intertwined 
separate lives 
that can't realign 
we accepted the failure 
and became resigned 
an end to the love affair 
a poem with out rhyme

Monday, November 29, 2021


I must always win 
competitive by nature 
yes, it is a fault

two sides

to every story 
perception, reality 
believe what you need


it started as a game 
a game without the rules 
invented as we went along
that’s how it was with you 

excitement slowly building 
a stairway winding up 
maybe we climbed to quickly 
I never looked closeup 

should have left out feelings 
and kept it as a sport 
before it got to serious
and I found that I fell short 

need a different perspective 
need to get a grip 
need to rethink all of this 
stop shooting from the hip 

you weren’t the only player 
you are not to blame 
going in with eyes wide open 
culpability is the same

I think it’s time to walk away 
my purpose has been served
there’s nothing going forward 
now that the road has swerved

the memories I take with me 
bittersweet at best keeping 
feelings I keep close to me 
but aborting all the rest

ode to a gerbil (ss)

little gerbil in a cage 
running the wheel to work off rage 
hate being locked up
all the day 
waiting for your 
big escape 
wondering what it would be like 
to play in the heat of the sun's rays

Friday, November 26, 2021


when you filter out the craziness 
of people we have met 
matches not made in Heaven 
you can scoop them up with a net 
some were a waste of time 
there are those we will always regret 
when you get down to the nitty-gritty
I think we're the saneness ones yet


nothing but sorrow, nothing but ache 
nothing but memories whisper my name 
nothing but sadness, much too severe
nothing but silence is still living here 

too many bridges all that were burned 
too many lessons shelved and unlearned 
no promises ever  were there to be broken 
tender lies promised and sweetly were spoken 

I couldn't change your heart 
I couldn't from the start 
I couldn't change your mind 
I couldn't be more blind 

a tangled, twisted web 
intricately woven in red 
a love that won't flourish 
starves without nourishing

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thank You

I give thanks,
every single day
for all of the blessings
I have received
for the little ones far
for you that is near
for happiness received
and waylaid eased fears
Thank You, dear God
and guardian hosts
for keeping me safe
and for those I love most
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

love speaks

I took a chance,
that you would be the one
my banged up heart
beating new beats
life flows in through windows
and doors
long closed
love peeks through mirrored lenses
asking me if I feel lucky
well do I??
yes...yes I do
Creative Commons License

Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

only you

only time can stop 
this dizzy spin I'm in 
hot desert winds 
blowin against my skin 
bringing it to the surface
only time can stop these thoughts 
that flow like a leaky faucet 
or the Niagara Falls,
the sea into the ocean 
only you can fix this
heart that pounds 
like the loud beat of a drum
or a hammer coming down 
echoes of what is lost 
a loud aching sound

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


two worlds that collided 
a meteor shower ensued 
this is the very way I felt 
the first time I met you

all planets in alignment 
in this ecliptic plane 
the solar winds that blew
these memories that remain 

as I orbit around your moon 
the nuclear fusion is strong
there may not be enough space 
to protect me from this burn 

these two worlds that collided
I don't want to be torn apart
from this galaxy of loving 
burning deeply in my heart


I just can't trust this feeling 
that I get when we're alone 
one look from those green eyes
I'm a goner don't you know 

you're turning away from me 
ignoring this chemistry 
this thing that we each know 
is a lot stronger than us both

I can't trust one little hug 
not even one chaste kiss 
don't get to close to me darlin'
I can't trust myself like this 

so baby, send me a message 
or you can call me on the phone 
but keep your distance sweetheart 
we can't be trusted alone

cowboy dreams

a cowboy has dreams
of sleeping under the stars
of deserts that bloom
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


the way you touch me
I am awake once again
hibernation through
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Halley's comet

like Halley's comet 
I burned quickly through your heart 
a flash in your night

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

more than a friend

the door is closed but you still make the time 
you drop lots of hints but won't speak your mind 
the ceiling fan hums as around it does spin 
we're back where we started...back where we began 

you sing a cappella and I pick up the tune 
but the moment is lost and it's over too soon 
we pick different partners and hit the dance floor 
we've minutes to play and I'm keeping the score 

I want more than friends--someone to stick around
the smile on your face gets replaced by a frown 
you'll dance in the dark but not in the light of day 
I put words in your mouth that you'll never say 

you'd walk a mile to see just how far I'll go 
never asking the questions that most want to know 
we run the long race but neither one of us wins 
we stepped over the line between lovers and friends

more than once

I've crept into your mind 
more than once, so it seems
too many times, infecting your dreams
conscious sun that drives me away 
breaking clouds with the dawn's rays 
you thought that you wanted me 
you think that you don't 
while you mull it over 
I'm already gone 

I drop in to see you 
again and again 
the touch of a lover 
the guise of a friend 
wanting what I offer 
but only for one night
selling your soul 
by the candle's dim light 

you thought that you needed me 
you think that you don't you 
turn over to hold me 
I'm already gone 


a cowboy on the ridge 
hat pulled low, he does approach 
silhouetted against the darkening sky 
shelter sought from the growing monsoon 

the cowboy spans my wall 
jumping with ease my barriers 
all within now inside out
graceful are the rider's moves

something never offered
refuge only from lightning and thunder 
taking more than what he brought
the cowboy rides out after the storm

Saturday, November 20, 2021

love sleeps soundly

the sun shines in your smile 
your eyes the color of blue sky 
your touch warm like the rays 
you start my day 

the moon glows through blinds
 the stars blanket cool skin 
your voice the whisper of a mountain breeze 
when you say "good night baby"
love sleeps soundly in your arms


soft valleys 
a short hike only to discover 
a terrain you already know 

Friday, November 19, 2021


here, inside my crowded mind 
padded walls of my asylum 
I slowly part with things on a list 
I know should be left behind 
things that weigh too heavily 
things that have torn me apart 
things that I thought settled 
things that have hurt my heart 

as I close this massive book 
sealing you in a special chamber 
finally knowing what just won't be 
and walking away without anger 
loving you netted no dividends
investing more than I got back 
I didn't blame it on you, although 
part was your fault as I reflect

here, inside my crowded mind
padded walls of my asylum 
I slowly part with things on a list 
I know should be left behind

the answer

no answers to my questions 
or mending for what needs repair 
I gave you love and affection 
knowing you'd go from here 
visiting in the dark side 
while all around you sleeps
dancing in the moonlight 
with something you couldn't keep 

truth and my conviction 
on the other side of my door
like a heroin addiction 
that left me wanting more 
love faltered at my bedside 
faking what wasn't here 
although I was often chided 
I wasn't ever that clear 

as you waited for justification
demarcation wasn't defined
solutions not forthcoming
and clearly no fault line 
so forging ahead you leave me
it won't affect you none
the truth was never out there
you take care of number one