Monday, March 29, 2021

red-sky seas

I hear your voice, just a whisper 
I hear you sing it one last time 
I could have sworn I heard you say 
"I loved you" then you turned away 

faded roses in your hand 
from the bed where they were strewn
petals wilted; turning brown 
fall through fingers to the ground 

I didn't see the things you saw 
didn't know that it was there
a heart escapes what's in the air 
the end to a tragic love affair

two lovers in the heat of night 
wait upon the sun to rise 
ships that sail under red-sky seas
 a love without a guaranty

Saturday, March 27, 2021


a do not resuscitate 
no heroic measures taken 
a surgical cut deep into flesh 
crimson, flows the love
pooling on the pristine tile 
blood red on angelic white 
footsteps track across the floor 
spreading it from my heart's door 

Friday, March 26, 2021

your shirt

you hand me your shirt, the palest of yellow
said this is the one that I wore when we met
you button each one leavin the two at the top
sayin darlin, you sure do make it look hot

I never remember the color of your shirt
all I remember is the total outlook
the careless appeal with that twinkle in your eyes
I knew I was a goner that very first night

my stilettos click on the cool, dark tile
we snuggle up close for a movie and wine
long before the credits have a chance to role
we're lost in the moment of being so close

one by one, each button gets undone
we're back where we started...when I first put it on
nothing but white noise from the plasma tv
the shirt looks good on the floor where it lays

I never remember the color of your shirt
all I remember is the total outlook
the careless appeal with that twinkle in your eyes
I knew I was goner that very first night
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

pure gold

what I shelter deep in here 
one kiss from you makes it all clear 
like a flower that blossoms 
like the sea rushing the shore 
I feel love knocking 
on my heart's door 

yesterday is past tomorrow yet to come 
you hold what I treasure there in your palm 
gingerly you examine with tenderness you hold 
lovingly you offer 
your heart of pure gold

I thought I knew love and all of its games
but I can tell now this isn't the same 
when two hearts beat and echo as one 
the arcs connect and won't be undone 

like a flower that blossoms
 like the sea rushing the shore
I hear you knocking and 
open my heart's door 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

fade away

you fade away: don't call or text 
a friendship of convenience 
what works for you doesn't for me 
just another wait and we'll see 

I got off at the last stop 
didn't come unglued or blow my top
just slipped away into your past 
you'll see the signs if you look back 

don't worry 'bout me, I'll be fine 
just like every other time 
you can't mend this time what's broke 
I thought you cared--but know you don't

free day

I sped past some and never stopped
didn’t slow down or take a look
others had me riding the clutch
they gave less than all they took

the highway curved and I hit bumps
couldn’t see around the turns
dense, green trees and mountains tall
on and on as my life churned

tried to put it in perspective
same old thoughts and vivid dreams
a faceless man without a care
who lived to edit plotted schemes

photo enforcement snapped a shot
ticketed me by US mail
said if I don’t pay the fine
they would send my butt to jail

when I look back on our red past
short in nature, blue in hue
you don’t miss what you don’t have
it all starts and ends with you

just because I don’t write more
doesn’t mean I’ve less to say
poems burn hot inside my brain
for me to blog on a free day

Saturday, March 20, 2021

no way back

you stirred the dust and then you left
at this, you always were adept 
after saying things better left unsaid 
you pushed me too far over the ledge 

you dug that hole and you fell in
no caring if you lose or win
this time the cut is way too deep
I knew my love was mine to keep

it's always been this way with you 
you think that this will pay your dues 
the bridge you burn with just one match 
will leave you no way to get back

Friday, March 19, 2021

I recall

I recall a face\
kisses, sweet as wine
I recall a place
a memory in time

I recall a night
a million stars that danced
I recall a dream
of flowers and romance

I recall a wish
for a lover that is true
I recall a prayer
fulfilled when I met you
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

our history

a veil removed from my green eyes 
a shroud lifts from the winter skies
this time knowing love will last 
I can see it holding fast 
the future shapes our history
different ones for you and me 
just because we aren't a pair 
doesn't mean that you're not here 
love we shared though once confused 
filled by another and the truth 
we'll always have a special bond 
a friendship formed when love has gone

Thursday, March 18, 2021

getting there

this road has had some bumps it true 
from the first that I met you 
sometimes cloudy, sometimes sun 
but getting there is half the fun 

you work it out and do your best
 relationships can be a test 
remember when you want to run
that getting there is half the fun 

you forge a bond, your give and take
 and over the coals you may be raked 
but when you put it under the gun 
getting there is half the fun


as you sleep 
I slip into your dreams 
your heart quickening 
as I vacillate through your veins
assaulting every sense 
reaching every corner 
of your being

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I could live forever 
in this kingdom on the beach 
worries left at the border 
my soul at one with the sea
 and as I swim in surf 
warmth and salt soothe me
 this isn't all I want 
but it's exactly what I need


the feelings liquefy 
from the heat inside
I pour them from my heart 
into a glass measuring cup 
they don't quantify 
there is much less there than I thought 


you say I'm perfect 
seeing what you want to see
faults have been air brushed

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

getting started

you didn't speak a word 
the question on your lips 
I didn't give a reply 
just answered with my kiss 
and we don't hear a sound 
just the beating of our hearts 
pounding validation
of miles we've come since we started

Friday, March 12, 2021

maybe later

You said "hey, it's about to happen, 
it could be right now or maybe later" 
I never knew just what you meant 
the time I'm there is overspent
forgive me, I've been here too long
my faith has been used up 

You said "don't go, wait a little longer, 
this shroud is slipping, I'm about to discover... 
where the treasure is hidden" 
I never knew just what you meant 
I swept the cobwebs from the room 
hands on the clock moving backward 

You wonder where the time has gone 
your time is now and you're ready to begin 
do you feel the depth of empty shadow?
breathe the freshness of mountain air 
the time has come but I'm not there

the time has come but I'm not there 
"it's finally time" you say to thin air 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

hatless cowboy

I found a Stetson cowboy hat 
lodged in some tumbleweed 
somewhere a hatless cowboy 
must be in urgent need 

the western sun relentless 
upon his sweating brow 
burning the tenderness of the face 
unless he's in shadowed boughs 

this poor hat saw better days 
it's dirty from blowing around 
the band is missing, the brim has holes 
from bumping along the ground 

where are you cowboy? I have your hat 
I will keep it here for you 
mount your horse and ride due west 
it's in the valley you'll ride through 

when you're ready

come when you're ready to leave the past 
don't pay extra for an overweight bag
leave the shadows in the airport lot 
you can buy anything that you forgot 

enjoy the notion of just being free 
living in the valley where all is green 
when you are finally not coming unglued 
I'll leave the light on just for you 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


our first long neck,  boots tapping in time
to the steel guitar and music that's prime
gonna dance all night, tomorrow's a day of rest
even if it wasn't we'd watch the dawn crest

when we're two-steppin nothing gets in the way
worked hard this morning so tonight we can play
hanging with friends at this country western dive
you paid for the first-- the only one you'll buy

this wood floor is dusty and some guys are playing pool
a fight will break out cause they don't use rules
baby, when we're dancing nobody else is in this room
we've started the evening and it's over much too soon

Buddy buys a round and takes Susie out to dance
he asked me for one but you told him "not a chance"
with your arm around me we're headin to the floor
the sun will be high when we leave that's for sure

when we're two-steppin nothing gets in the way
worked hard this morning so tonight we can play
hanging with friends at this country western dive
you paid for the first-- the only one you'll buy

the only one you'll buy
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

one last kiss

one last kiss, one final glass of wine 
put on a favorite song and we dance one last time 
a last wish granted 'tween the front of you and me 
I worked way too hard at what I wanted us to be 

a perfect day ends as the sun is sinkin' low 
evening comes real gentle, like a kiss upon a brow 
it all slips away, it came and went so fast 
I wake from this dream that wasn't built to last 

on the table by my bedside, a book of me and you 
the pages loose from longing and all that came unglued
the final chapter written I close it one more time 
pages filled with tears and a stain of sweet red wine 

that day from long ago sealing what once started 
pieces strewn from east to west but you stay in my heart 
thunder crashed and lightning flashed in a desert sky monsoon 
rain won't wash away what I hold that's left from you 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Heart Once Pained

What is it that you want from me?
 I give you all I have 
You just take the things you need 
And disregard the rest 

I give you all required 
That is easy to do 
heart and feeling are in the mix
It’s what I offer you 

I can give you everything
 An offer of love that’s true 
Something that I lost once 
A heart once pained but new

Remove the space between us 
Show me that you can 
The effort won’t be wasted 
Seal this love began 

Take all level’s offered 
Consume my heart and soul 
Erase this constant longing 
To make me, once more, whole 

Friday, March 5, 2021

ever or at all

they were two lovers in the night 
staying together till the sunrise 
passion linked with soft sweet sighs 
whenever they could steal the time 

she thought she heard the promise of more 
he always had one foot out the door
it wasn't that loving her was a chore 
that wasn't what he was looking for 

she didn't see it like he did 
she couldn't understand it, not one bit 
every time she mentioned it 
all their time became undid 

he never asked her to please wait 
she saw his back going through the gate 
although the hour was very late 
she knew this time was their last date 

after that last time he didn't call 
her world crashed in and she bawled and bawled 
she thought he really has some gall  
but nothing was offered--ever or at all 

oh, nuts

a tough nut to crack 
feelings that you keep intact 
passion oozes past

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


a sleight of hand trick 
that made your heart disappear 
leaving me empty 


my grip was too tight 
holding on to a shadow 
of what used to be