Thursday, September 30, 2021


I believe in you and the good things that wait
I believe you can fly with the wings we created 
in the arms of a lover, the heart of a friend 
with tenderness we hold in our heart what won't end 

the wonder that stays, may its aura never cease 
the high price we paid for the wounds and healing 
all of it precious and part of you and me 
the roots that were sowed from that one fertile seed

the crop that is yielded holds promise that's rare 
if you ever need me--you know I'll be there 
I hold on tight with my far away arms 
as you take flight with my prayers for no harm 

in the arms of a lover, the heart of a friend 
with tenderness we hold in our heart what won't end

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


all I see when I look at you 
a reflection of my feelings 
a mirror of what is true
happiness long forgotten 
I know that I finally got it right 

I'm not afraid to show all I feel 
what you give comes forth so easily
all you say falls softly on my heart 
a strong force field with kinetic energy 
keeping me warm when we're apart 

I don't care that I'm not your first 
I don't care what happened in your past
here in this moment, 
now in this time; all I know 
is that I want to be your last


in the deepest grows 
the sun breaks cloudy skies
the moon glows on quiet seas
heartbreak ebbs on distant relationships 
and flows anew 
gently over my soul
I dance a dance long forgotten 
to music written from inside

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

like a dream

when the dream becomes reality 
and the reality like a dream 
when fire catches and ignites 
but is much more extreme 
the moon breaks through the scattered clouds 
the wind pushes colors of fall 
a galaxy of stars surround 
as love takes in it all 
closed eyes open, my heart beats faster 
it's all in the scheme of things 
when the dream becomes reality 
and the reality like a dream

one last time

what I see in your blue eyes 
what I feel inside that's true
nothing left to shelter me
no umbrella to keep me dry 
let's walk the beach this one last time
let's just pretend that it's all fine 
you and I this one last time
just this one last time 

let's feel the sun upon our skin 
smooth tracks we leave in the sand
hand in hand this one last time 
just this one last time 
past the pretense and all of the struggles 
past new hello's and endless goodbyes 
past renewing, reinventing, resurrecting 
inside the door of hopeless love 

let's feel the sun upon our skin
smooth tracks we leave in the sand
hand in hand this one last time 
just this one last time 
it all comes down to nothing 
and the end is very near 
but hand in hand, this one last time 
let's  pretend that it's all fine 
you and I this one last time
just this one last time

Monday, September 27, 2021


in the smooth sand down by the sea 
you never declared your love for me 
you tell me there's an easy way 
then you try to illustrate...
after, tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am"

I never issued an ultimatum 
didn't quote the rules verbatim 
never told you I would not wait 
never turned my back in haste 
tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am" 

how would you know with just one look?
you opened the cover, didn't read the book 
I gave you lots of latitude 
while you were givin me attitude 
you told me I'm not part of your plan 
said "I'm not the man you think I am" 

but you were wrong, couldn't read the cards 
the reasons why I fought so hard 
I fell in love still anyway 
but all of that is yesterday 
tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am"

I never issued an ultimatum 
didn't quote the rules verbatim 
never told you I would not wait 
never turned my back in haste 
tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am"


the flame flickers, there by the bed
the buzz is there inside my head 
you--the last thing I think about at night 
you--the first thought on my mind
restore my faith, renew my heart 
tell me you will do your part 
don't be cruel, 
don't play the fool 
it's all here if you want it 
it's all right where you left it 

damn you for stealing my thoughts and mind 
for making love restless, being so blind
you--the love I can't forget 
you--everywhere inside my head 
restore my faith, renew my heart 
tell me you will do your part
don't be cruel, 
don't play the fool 
it's all here if you want it 
it's all right where you left it 

why don't you come back and get it

Friday, September 24, 2021

spun dreams

As tulips lift their heads in bloom 
Closing tightly with the rise of the moon
Open this chamber filled with love
Stay with me till this life is done 

As storm clouds bring the springtime rain 
To cleanse the past--release all pain 
The sun comes warm and shines serene 
As we live this life spun from our dreams


when all of this is over 
and still the answer lays deep 
a start without a finish
that would not let me sleep 

we didn't get any closer 
we didn't get any closure 
a surface dive for pleasure 
that brought forth hidden treasures 

somewhere in the mountains 
you lay out your golden plan 
while nestled in the valley 
oxidation slowly creeps 

corrosion locks it all in tight 
rust won't let it move 
sadly, as the monsoon pours 
realization stays there too

Thursday, September 23, 2021

a spot in Heaven

if I go to HELL...
I'm pretty sure it won't be
for eating meat on Friday's
of lent
or not abstaining
you see,

I have been there
on various occasions
visiting briefly
I know...
it is not a good place to be
or a place I wish to go back to
I try to be good
and do unto others
they don't always reciprocate
but still...

I was brought up
to show respect
to say please and thank you
yes sir or ma'am
to work hard
be on time
help when I can
and I do
no, surely...
there is a spot in Heaven
for me
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

third eye blind

I've penned when happy
maybe too sappy
got my point across
to those I lost
along my path

mostly, I've blogged
poems from the fog
thick with remorse
what could've been worse
not from your view

yes, it's easier you see
when left without glee
to create sorrowful words
on deaf ears unheard
the third eye blind
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


leathered, head to toe 
mounting up the horse I know 
arms holding on tight


leather to the eye 
but what lays hidden inside
a lace covered heart


lay your leg across me, 
so I can go to sleep
kissing me goodnight,
so I will have sweet dreams
wrap your arms around me, 
hold me very tight
thank you for bringing Valentine's day... 
back into my life

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


grace left my body I stumbled and fell
just like Alice, in a deep dark hole
down I tumble but land on my feet
the only thing injured was my soul

my will got bent but it didn't break
scratches from roots of so many trees
it's damp from soil left long unturned
and cold without my strong beliefs

how'd I get here, what happened to me?
I fixed your life but mine got lost
you said there would still be room
how much space and at what cost?

the helping hand that I received
that helped me up back on my feet
asked for nothing in return
but showed the ways of your deceit
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


past the nose your animal scent
behind the lungs that breathe you in
into the heart past many walls
you are causing quite a squall

thunder, lightning loud it screams
you the man from fervent dreams
setting my very soul on fire
no net under this high wire

many tried to claim this heart
they were wrong right from the start
I didn't know if you would come
to your charm, I have succumb

gone too many days and nights
telling angels of my plight
answered prayers from those above
finally home and with my love
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, September 20, 2021

broken dreams

so many thoughts in this crowded mind
things that are present or lagging behind
you might just think, that I've been blind
but I wasn't hooked or to one confined

cast my net far upon the vast sea
so little caught up there inside of thee
some of that caused me much misery
and some remains a plaguing mystery

if you could have changed the way you think
so many wishes in my cup clinked
not worth the effort or even the ink
I was gone faster than you could blink

never one to let go of things
all of your wishes seemed to sprout wings
except for me, not there on your string
no broken heart, just broken dreams
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

i write

the beach deserted this time of year
I don't mind, I love it here
cool and windy, it soothes my soul
and I've told this sea
everything I know

most like it only on warm, sunny days
playing their games under the suns warm rays
alone I walk, this is my beach
watching the waves
as the sand they breach

I don't mind, that's it's only me
nothing to share, nothing that I need
just me and my thoughts
and in my mind,
all the poetry I can write
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Saturday, September 18, 2021

your love

it's a Christmas gift 
not one day a year; it's one 
I open each day

sealed with a kiss

I don't need all the added distractions 
previews of current or coming attractions
I'm seeing the future, it's crystal clear 
it's sweet as wine when you are near

I don't need flirtation and all of the games 
one's who said they'd call and forgot my name 
not sitting around and not going to mope 
this is real float my boat 

you're not making promises you're not going to keep 
you're talking of the future and it's all about me 
I didn't know loving could ever be like this 
I give you my heart...and seal us with a kiss

Friday, September 17, 2021

more than you

saddled my horse and spurred him hard
I rode fast and I rode far
through the plains in dead of night
now the mountains at last in sight

over my shoulder, vast terrain
nothing lost and nothing gained
alone again to still my thoughts
and all the worries that they've brought

too many tabs all at the same time
what is yours and what is mine
separate hearts that beat the same
never a winner of this rigged game

take them all and leave me blue
lying here thinking just of you
not on bottom or at the tip
more than you I always quip
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

it doesn't matter

shadows fade into night stillness
no boundaries mar the thin red edge
all is calm in the realm of dreams
nightmares in the bedside drawer

closed eyes move in REM
dawn breaks hot, another day
monsoons off, a month away
awake I stretch and then I yawn
as I smell the aroma
daybreak offers

many things I need to do
one more cup will get me through
no longer, my first thoughts of you
how you are; will we talk?
that no longer matters
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

forever ties

not always truthful
hedging your bet?
what you give is
what you'll get
a little sugar
goes with the lie
that's not the pull
to forever ties

I'd rather you say
I think, I'll check
then brush it off
that dusty speck
I'd rather know
then have to guess
at what is now
and not regress

I know you
your sordid past
all the heartache
you amassed
still you bring it
home to roost
you never learned
what it induced

problems brought
upon yourself
all dusty from
that nasty shelf
haunt me as the hours fly
as I don my wits
to get me by

if you leave it 
lying around
it will be found
hurt with truth
and with its pain
nothing lost
is everything
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Thursday, September 16, 2021

nothing left to say

each sunrise holds promise
quiet rapture before he spoke
not thinking, the words spill out
too late to reconsider
the mess you have made
no mopping it up now

she listens,
not hearing the anger
but the very frustrations
that brought them here
sitting on this porch

but each is alone
although they sit side by side
not touching, not feeling
no reply from her
unusual at best
but there's nothing left to say
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

the gecko

push-ups on concrete
to the tune of “macho man”
then you slink away


in a matter of seconds, you were gone
taking all of your stuff
except what was inside of me

sometimes, I wonder if you are happy
a better life without me
I did my best

do you think of our times together?
when life wasn't perfect
but we were together...
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

His path

long before I met you
erst, while we were looking
I had almost given up
thinking there was no one
who could complete me
at this stage of life

I should have had optimism
into the insight  He has
the plans He provides
for each of us
to live our lives
following His path
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

a coffee song

I don't know how the apology went
words like sand in thick cement
stirred too quickly like your passion
in hap-hazard and hidden fashion
convoluted and  oh so strong
a coffee song

an inkblot, just a little blight
a time-warp in this so called life

stirring wood--campfires blaze
bringing memories of other days
mountains high, saguaro green
forgetting pasts and what they mean

an inkblot, just a little blight
a time-warp in this so called life

it's all over; the fat lady sang
a cowboy song with country twang
no one really understood
that shroud you wore, it did no good
for a man with wordy depth 
I took the blame and then I left
an inkblot, just a little blight
a time-warp in this so called life
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


I lived in your darkness
cavernous as it was
all the while,
you absorbed my light
dimming me,
I couldn't see
this was so
I stumbled, blindly
trying to find my path
back to the way it was,
the way I was
without letting go...
the fatal blow
to keep meandering
trying to see
inside your shroud
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Wors 3.0 United States License

Monday, September 13, 2021


would you tell me 
if I'm on the right path? 
have we lost it all? 
can we get it back?
did I miss the connection? 
the phone didn't ring 
the face is black
on the small little screen 
no words come 
nothing do I hear 
slipping into the abyss
just like I feared
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up for the job

he stretches full length
up for the job before him 
then he goes to sleep

like glue

one road ends
as another bends 
a battle wages
from different cages 
mind and soul
travel high and low 
on each new chart 
ne'er a sign marks 
you do your best
forsaking the rest
relationships fade 
some friends may evade 
pulling loose threads 
draining your last dregs 
but after all we've been through
I'm stick like glue 
believing what you say 
as everlasting truth

in my eyes

window to the soul 
shows what you already know
opened with your love

Friday, September 10, 2021

two hearts

my mind works on overload
not much more can it now hold
my heart bleeds from all it knows
not enough to make me go

questions rise, the answers weak
not always what I actually seek
is this doomed, is it too bleak?
what lies really underneath

you pledge your love, holding tight
passion holds us through the night
but it’s still there in the daylight
20/20 is hindsight

in this vortex spinning round
trying to salvage all I’ve found
will I reach the higher ground
do you leave me here to drown?


this the thin line that I walk
this mindset that cannot talk
I can no longer block it out
this blackness and shrouded doubt

going forward each new day
hoping it will fade away
that I find all that I seek
that it doesn't escape me

thoughts that grow are kinda random
overtake with reckless abandon
trying again not to overthink
ideas that are drenching me

but it sometimes overflows
this love with its rich, bright glow
can you make it turn out right?
restoring what will cause this blight

it is

it is with great depth we both play
it is with heart that I feel my way
it is with sadness trust evades
it is with hope it comes and stays

it is with chance a tomorrow looms
it is with mirth this crowded room
it is with heart a new love blooms
it is both ways I do assume?

Thursday, September 9, 2021


I called it quits 
when I hung up the phone
figured I was better
going at it alone
like a tumbleweed once here
now windblown and gone
more heartache from you
than I'd ever known

go to the closet
for my traveling shoes
pack a few things
leave the rest for you
maybe the closure
will leave me a bruise
next time I'll be
more careful who I choose

it'll take me some time
to rebuild my heart
I knew this before
the decision to depart
but ours was a love
tired from the kickstarts
always the understudy
never the lead part
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

always of you

in the lateness of the hour
after the sunlight fades to dusk
the moon rises high above the clouds
my last thought before sleep is you

dreams evade but sleep prevails
I rise early, as the dawn breaks
your side empty, a pillow unused
my first thoughts, always of you

whether you're here, or not by my side
whether your arm is around me or not
I know your thought is of me too
whether you can see me or not


I don’t need bling
or a lot of flash
not looking for things
that will cost you cash
the thing I want
my only need
is your whole heart
and the love it brings

I don’t need flowers
or bouquets delivered
the ones on my phone
will last forever
just need you here
cause you want it that way
that’s what I want 
much more each day


a very small dose
what you think will soothe me most
you still don't know me

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

all I know

all the old reasons are gone
faded like old photographs
a distant memoir
of what once was

we make new memories
I have little keepsakes,
ticket stubs and such
tokens, that mean so much

each remind me
of how we got here
to this place in our lives
where happiness
is all I know
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


we are simpatico
in every sense of the word
you speak my thoughts
and I speak yours
my feelings are shared
your touch gentle
your kiss,

yes, we are truly simpatico
in every sense of the word
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

tis the season

in the cool, dawn morning we walk
thigh high weeds
uneven terrain
field glasses ready
we hunt

the game changes
depending on the season
always, we two
walking and searching
rifles on our shoulders

deer season--we see javelina
javelina season--deer
no rhyme or reason
but together...
we hunt
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Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

I just know

there is nothing ordinary
common or mundane
anything that is average
since the day I took your name
from the day I met you
going back to that first time
my life changed forever
when I stepped across that line
all the walls I'd built up
bruises began to heal
electric when you touch me
and you are all I feel
quickly, is how it happened
I don't know why still
I just know I love you
and I always will
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

oh, yes

good at all you do
loving is your specialty
I'm a lucky girl
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, September 6, 2021


the lessons I've learned
and pages I've turned
took one match
for the bridges I've burned
there's no way back, took up that slack
there's no space, not even a crack
you give all that I once lacked
and for lovin', you have a knack

I was out and sometimes down
wrinkles caused by a big frown
then you started comin' round
those old sorrows start to drown
where'd I be if not for you
always happy, never blue
oh, the trouble we can brew
life takes on a different hue

you pull me close and start our dance
it's just like being in a trance
no other boy could stand a chance
slaying my dragons with your lance
never in my wildest dreams
would I change the scheme of things
rising to the top like cream
whatever that old saying means
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

things we want

the things we want that aren't to be
are for the best, just wait and see
His infinite plan, with you in mind
will come about in His design

look for answers, search for clues
observe all the many hues
under rocks and in the clouds
listen, it may not be loud

a simple look, a quick chaste smile
a nod or wink could be their style
don't respond and walk away
this could be the one that stays

the things we want that aren't to be
are for the best, just wait and see
His infinite plan, with you in mind
will come about in His design
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

coffee and dawn

I gave you all and then gave more
hoping and loving was no chore
I did it gladly, or so I thought
I shouldn't have invested
or heavily bought

putting my wants in the back of the mind
going for broke and running blind
shouldn't have worn my heart on a sleeve
knowing you would go or I would leave

once in awhile when the moon is right
I sit pensive here at night
I'm the one that left so quick
before the feelings got too thick

things look different in morning light
coffee and dawn without the blight
I surprised you after all
left at the first signs of fall

you will say, "she will be back"
there is nothing that I lack
you didn't know me all that well
what you saw would soon foretell
Creative Commons License

Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Saturday, September 4, 2021


a small spot in a large place
’cept when I’m with you


nothing nebulous
all reasons clearly defined
discovering more

those spells

I’m boxing all that was my past
traveling lighter it seems
you were right ‘bout what I leave
sometimes gold just doesn’t gleam

if I forget something I need
I’ll dig it up from memory
I know that anything can be replaced
most of all that’s true of me

I’ve found that thing I looked for most
more than what I’ve left behind
one-sided feelings that were dumb
also silly and partially blind

a road that forks and leads away
from tears I cried for yesterday
it may storm upon these hills
but I’ve learned how to weather
those spells

Friday, September 3, 2021

a shooting star

flashes in the night 
 white-hot it falls to the ground 
black, the spot it held


every nuance, everything that I learn 
every facet that you share of your life
the effervescence of all that you give 
refreshment that lets me drink you in 

the spark from the first time that we met 
electricity from that very first touch 
a beginning with a whole new energy 
fulfillment that grows inside of me 

my heart, that expands with all you offer 
my love, that I give freely to you 
a future, showing all that we can be 
as we entwine what's between me and thee

if I fall

would you catch me if I fall? 
I don't have much further to go 
with open arms and loving heart 
would you catch me if I fall?